Medical news Hepatic Elastography - FibroTest ® & FibroMax ®

Hepatic Elastography - Fibrotest & Fibromax

FibroTest ® (registered trademark BioPredictive - France) is a special test designed to replace, in some cases, liver biopsy, an invasive maneuver, painful.

FibroTest - ActiTest - reflect stages of fibrosis and degree of necro-inflammatory process, according to an international system called METAVIR, that allows interpretation of results in a simple and universal manner.

FibroMax (trademark BioPredictive - France) offers information about diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis, the diagnosis of liver necroinflamator process, diagnose fatty liver, alcoholic steatohepatitis diagnosis in patients with chronic alcoholism, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis diagnosis in patients with obesity, insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, diabetes.

A simple blood sampling offers an early determination of the stage of fibrosis, liver fibrosis evolution control throughout treatment and follow necro-inflammatory process.

BioPredictive tests make it possible to obtain an accurate assessment of fibrosis, steatosis and necro-inflammatory liver changes, done in all stages and without being influenced by sampling location. This is why the error possible occurred because of location analysis in biopsy, are impossible if BioPredictive test.

Test results are obtained by an algorithm, based on specific blood biomarkers, age, sex, height and weight of the patient.

(Information provided by Sodimed / BioPredictive)

For an accurate diagnosis is also recommend the FibroScan test.